Thursday, March 29, 2007

My Hero

Earlier this morning, I made a posting about American Idol. Well, a little while after I posted, I was going about my day at work and it was one of those days where I got everything in at once and the pile was so high on my desk.....I started freaking out. I went into my supervisor's office and laid out my concerns for a list of priorities. As we are talking, a co-worker of ours comes in and we all start talking about her health.

This particular co-worker of ours was out of the office for the past 6 months literally fighting for her life. She has a form of the big "C" word. I don't even like to look at the word, let alone type it out as my Grandmother passed away from it back in 1992. She was my heart. I loved her more than anything.

Anyway, our co-worker started telling us about undergoing radical chemo, in and out of the hospital, all of the meds and side effects and I am watching her the whole time and she has this look on her face like she was talking about someone else. I turned to her and told her she was my hero. She has been through so much and she is still not fully out of the woods, but she has such a positive attitude. She looks GREAT! She has always been one of those people that always brighten up the room when they walk in, so you can imagine what it was like not to see her for 6 months...wondering how she was and if she was ever going to come back to work. We all hoped and prayed. Everyday I walked past her empty, dark office, I would think of her and hoped that she was hanging in there.....and she was. This woman is amazing! As soon as she walked out of that office, I took a moment and cried. I didn't want her to see the emotion after all she has been through, but it washed over me and I finally realized that life is really precious. I know we hear it all the time and we vow to stop and smell the roses and then we go on with our everyday life and take simple things for granted....walking, breathing, hearing, seeing.....

Just this morning, I was blabbering on and on how "The Kid" should be kicked off of American Idol and complaining about my work load and she walks into that office, tells us what she has been through and suddenly none of it mattered anymore. I didn't care if Sanjaya stayed or left American Idol and quit thinking about a 'conspiracy theory', I didn't care about my workload.....I watched her walk away from that office this morning and realized I know someone who beat the odds, but is still in for the fight of her life and she is going to be just fine.

You truly are My Hero.

"The Kid" has staying power....

Well, AI fans....*sigh* I must say that "The Kid" is going to be around for at least another week. I have to admit even I am getting curious to see what he is going to do next. For those of you who have not heard, Chris Sligh is out of the competition. Now, correct me if I am wrong, but he is better than Haley...WHAT HAPPENED THERE?!?

This whole "Save The Kid Because He Sucks" Campaign is getting very old very fast, but apparently whatever his "fanbase" is doing, it is working and slowly one by one he is killing his competition. Maybe it is time for the Producers to step in and do something. He should not be getting by every single week AND he wasn't even in the Bottom 3!!!

Well, if anyone has an idea to "Stop The Insanity"....I would LOVE to hear it!!! He is all over the media! I have talked to friends that don't even watch the show and know who this guy is!!! I get that he is milking his 15 minutes of fame and I am sure anyone in his position probably would, but do you really want to be known as the "Guy who got through and can't hold a note, but people voted for him anyway because he SUCKED!"

My friends are telling me he is going to be around for a while longer and I hate to say I agree. I am fighting anyone reading this who is a fan of any of the other contestants booted off, pick a new favorite and vote for them...HARD!! Chris Sligh fans, I know you are upset and heartbroken but the only way to make this right is to GET HIM OUT!!! So, I implore you....Let us all ban together and fight the Disease invading American Idol and take our show back and show them by letting someone talented win!!! Melinda, LaKisha, Blake, Jordin!! COME ON AMERICA....we still have the power...Let's use it to kill and dissect this Disease!!!


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Shall we Dance?!

I must say that I wasn't really anticipating this season of DWTS. There weren't any stars I was interested in seeing but I decided to give it a shot anyway and found myself pleasantly surprised! I am specifically speaking about Ian Ziering (Steve, 90210) and Laila Ali(daughter of Muhammed Ali and undefeated champion boxer). They have quickly become my favorites. I am also enjoying and found myself rooting for Apolo Anton Ohno as well as Heather Mills(I love an underdog).

I think Billy Ray Cyrus is basically the comic relief of the show...especially last week when he tried to pull Karina's hair out ironically to his new single referring to a mullett. First of all, he had a mullett when he was dancing his "Achy Breaky Heart" out in the 90's. Billy....It's the millenium!! Did you get the memo?!?

Then there is N'Syncer Joey Fatone. There was no doubt he would be good with his boy band background so no surprise there. Leeza Gibbons is holding her own and proud of the fact she turned 50. YOU GO GIRL!! Clyde Drexler is smooth for someone almost 7 feet tall, "Cheers' former mailman, Cliff", John Ratzenberger is out to prove something as he is the oldest celebrity in the competition.

Last night was the inevitable "First cut". They showed a package of former contestants that were first to be eliminated. So, when they got right down to it...It was between"Supermodel" Paulina Porizkova and the resident "Ken and Barbie" (judges comments...not mine), "Miss USA 2004 Shandi Finnessey. Unfortunately, Paulina met her fate and she was eliminated. She said she felt like a little kid playing on the playground and the parents came to get her, but she wasn't ready to leave yet. I actually thought that was well thought out....for a supermodel. :P

So, we will see what happens! Next Week: The Jive and the Tango! *Puts rose in teeth*

Stay tuned...same blog time...same blog channel! ;)

Hello Bloggers

Hello CyberSpace! This is my first post on my brand new blog. I got the idea to blog from a co-worker/friend of mine, Rob( He has a blog and I was talking to him about it and it sounded like a fun thing for me to do. I can express my feelings and hope people will read it and send me their feedback.

I have ALOT of frustration and rage to get out about this whole American Idol debacle with "He Who's Name Shall Not Be Spoken" because I do not want to give him anymore publicity(You know who I mean...*shakes head*).

ANYWAY.....I hope you will all enjoy reading and sharing your own thoughts on topics such as AI, Celebrity Fit Club, LOST, Dancing With The Stars, ABC Daytime and a whole host of other shows, sports and current events. Thanks for stopping by! :)

GRRRR...When will it END?!?

If you are as entranced with the phenomenom know as Idol like I am, you have been hooked from Season 1 when a small town girl from Texas was crowned the very first American Idol. Of course I am talking about Kelly Clarkson. She has been a household name ever well as many others that have graced the Idol stage. Clay, Ruben, Kimberley Locke (LOVE HER!!), Fantasia, Carrie Underwood, Chris Daughtry and how can we forget Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson! We have enjoyed 5 seasons of horrible auditions, heartbreaking stories, surprise departures, judges comments that made us cringe and moments that deserve standing ovations.

This season has brought us some more genuine talent such as Melinda Doolittle, LaKisha Jones, Blake Lewis, and Jordin Sparks to name a few. If you are an avid watcher, like myself, you have noticed (and dreaded) the one contestant that always seems to overstay their welcome while some of the more deserving and talented hopefuls get eliminated one by one. If you have been watching this season, you know who I am talking about. I refuse to post a picture or say his name in order to give "The Kid" more publicity. Well, apparently, this debacle is all due to a bunch of "fans and supporters" who want to see him win BECAUSE he is bad! I'm sure there are some fans that vote for him because they think he is cute, they like his personality or just want to see what he will do next.....*sigh* Folks, I am here to say......Did we NOT learn anything from William Hung?!?

I do have to admit when we were in Hollywood week, "The Kid" was cool. He gave his sister support when she got booted....I liked him....he seems sincere and a nice person. Nonetheless, know when you are beaten and leave with some dignity. Don't let contestants with more talent(Stephanie Edwards and Sundance Head among others) get eliminated just so you can embarrass yourself one more week! I partially blame his "fan base", but I also lay some of the blame with the judges. They put him in the Top 24. Was he really better than some of the other talent?!?!

Anyway, I wanted to take this opportunity to rant because I am a huge fan of this show and feel it is an injustice if this goes on another week.....although Haley Scarnato is still there so maybe "The Kid" will live another week. Let's see what happens tonight....maybe the mohawk will be the final can only hope! *Shrugs*